Diagnosing anxiety can sometimes be difficult because the manifestation of symptoms such as shortness of breath, tingling in your hands and feet and heart palpitations can also be symptoms of physical conditions. If you visit the doctor´s office with the suspicion you have anxiety, you will probably be asked a lot of questions about your daily routine and habits.
The doctor will use this information to help diagnose you but you can use this information to help you figure out how to solve your anxiety problems. Many anxiety conditions can be effectively dealt with without medication.
Here are some of the questions you might be asked when you visit the doctor due to anxiety problems.
1. How often do you feel anxious? If you have infrequent bouts of anxiety, it may indicate a physical problem. More frequent episodes tend to indicate an anxiety condition.
2. What are some of the current stresses in your life? Anxiety conditions are often related to your physical health, personal relationships or financial considerations.
3. Has there been a recent, traumatic incident in your life? The loss of a loved one, personal injury, or natural disaster. Trauma is often very connected to our anxiety level.
4. Is there a family history of depression or anxiety? There is a genetic component to these problems and family history can often be a good clue in determining the nature of your current condition. Depression and anxiety problems are often bed companions as well.
5. Are you on any prescription medications, drink excessive amounts of caffeine or alcohol? These questions are pertinent because prescriptions drugs can have side effects that either cause anxiety or mimic the symptoms of it. Alcohol and caffeine can lead to jitteriness, paranoia or depression.
6. Under what circumstances do you feel anxious? This question will help determine the nature of your anxiety. Do you have a fear of elevators, speaking in front of others or a more generalized type of anxiety disorder?
7. Is it difficult to perform your daily activities i.e. going to work, shopping driving etc.? This question will help determine the impact of your anxiety on your life, an important diagnostic consideration.
8. Have you felt more tired or had trouble concentrating lately? These questions get at the symptoms of anxiety.
9. Are you experiencing panic attacks or just general feelings of worry? A panic attack is often the culmination of anxious feelings and can be very scary and traumatic.
10. Do you have any medical conditions? This can help the doctor determine whether any medical problems you may have are contributing to your symptoms.
While these questions are just some of the many you will probably be asked, they are a good place to start in understanding for yourself whether you have an anxiety problem and what may be contributing to it. Once you understand the source of your symptoms, you can work to solve those problems and hopefully in turn solve your anxiety.
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