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Anxiety is a life crippling disorder, often accompanied by panic attacks. Unless you have suffered from this disorder, it is very hard to understand just how debilitating this can be. The fear that arises from anxiety is very real to the individual that is suffering from it, but can seem very irrational to friends and family. It is very important to support sufferers of Anxiety Disorder, in order to make them feel like they are not alone or going crazy, because most of the time that's exactly how they feel. That fact is they are not crazy and need to be taken seriously.
Symptoms of Anxiety
At some time in all our lives we experience some form of anxiety, but for Anxiety Disorder sufferers anxiety is a part of their everyday life. There is a big difference between normal anxiety and Anxiety Disorder and Panic Attacks. Normal anxiety is what we feel when we are a bit anxious about something.. a job interview, or a doctor's appointment etc. With Anxiety disorder the symptoms are much more severe...such as difficulty controlling worry, Restlessness and being on edge, difficulty concentrating or mind blankness, irritability, social impairment and impairment in other major areas of functioning.
Panic Attack Symptoms
Anyone who has suffered from panic attacks will know they are absolutely terrifying, you literally feel like you are going to die. Some of the symptoms are accelerated heart beat, sweating, trembling or shaking, shortness of breath, chest pain or discomfort, feeling dizzy or unsteady, fear of losing control, upset stomach, chills or hot flushes, numbness and tingling and fear of dying. All very frightening and not fun to live with.
Statistics show that....
National Institutes of Health, 2005. NIH Publication No. 06-4584
* 6.8 million Americans have Generalized Anxiety Disorder.
* Approximately 40 million Americans suffer from all anxiety disorders combined.
* Approximately 6 million American adults ages 18 and older have panic disorder.
* Approximately 15 million American adults age 18 and over have social phobia.
* Approximately 19.2 million American adults age 18 and over have some type of specific phobia.
The statistics are very frightening, and with the worlds economic state the way it is, these statistics are bound to rise. There is no doubt times are tough and there are going to be a lot more cases of Depression worldwide, and depression can lead to anxiety and panic attacks.
There is good news is anxiety disorder and panic attacks don't have to be a part of your everyday life, there is no need to let these disorders cripple your lifestyle. I lived with both anxiety disorder and panic attacks for 12 years, but have learned how to control them and you can do the same. You will find a new found freedom as I did and will start enjoying life once again..there is help and it's not as hard as you may think.
Pauline Smith has been living with panic attacks for years and wants to help others find freedom from these life changing disorders. Visit her free blog at for some great advice on controlling anxiety panic attacks.
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