Monday, 20 May 2013

Benzodiazepine Withdrawal Treatment Guidelines

I spoke to my doctor in the beginning of the week regarding my Klonopin withdrawal and Prozac withdrawal. Because of all the symptoms and bizzare feelings I have been having, I asked if I should be in a rehab at this point. He said no, it would not be appropriate, and that rehab is recommended for acute withdrawal.

I spoke to friends who have been through rehab for prescription medication and also did some research of my own. There is a wonderful video about benzodiazapene withdrawal treatment guidelines presented by Dr. C. Heather Ashton, the leading expert on benzodiazepines and benzodiazepine withdrawal.

Here are the main points:

•There is no single protocol for benzodiazepine withdrawal. Drug dosages should be tapered gradually and the withdrawal should be individually tailored for each patient.

•There is no reason for abrupt withdrawal, in fact rapid detox (such as in a rehab) is not recommended. Especially from high doses, can result in seizures, psychosis, and severe panic attacks.

•Can take months or up to a year or more.

•The patient and doctor initially agree on a withdraw regimen or schedule, but for the best results, the patient should be in control of the rate of withdrawal. (note

to self: slow the hell down)

If problems and setbacks happen, the patient may do one of 2 things:

1. Stabilize the medication dosage for a few weeks or

2. Decrease the rate of withdrawal (revise the withdrawal regimen)

The goal with benzodiazepeine withdrawal is to always go forward and avoid a backslide of increasing the dosage of the drug. Living without medications is a learning process that may take months. Once done you can stop panic attacks without any medications. advises peoples on how to stop panic attacks . This website has many useful information on panic attacks. Please visit to know more on panic attacks.

You can find additional info at the following links:
Click Here for more information
Click Here for more information

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