Thursday, 28 March 2013

How to Stop Being a Hypochondriac

You're about to learn how to finally overcome your Hypochondria and free yourself from all the pointless worry of convincing yourself that you're sick, ill or even dying.

I know the pain of this problem. I went through it myself for most of my life. Here I'll be showing you how to naturally and effectively overcome your Hypochondria and put this terrible worry to rest. Let's get to it!

Hypochondria tend to be somewhat of an afterthought when it comes to treating anxiety. After all, aren't we supposed to worry about our health? Isn't it good to stay on top of our bodies and be alert for any alarming "symptoms"?

If you suffer from Hypochondria, then you probably know otherwise. Personally, I used to TORTURE myself with thoughts of illness at even the slightest abnormality.

Every time my glands swelled up, I swore it was a tumor in my lymph nodes. Every time I had a sharp pain, I was convinced it was an early sign of stroke or aneurism. Each gas pain obviously signaled the start of a heart attack. Any kind of experience with night sweats convinced me that I somehow contracted HIV.

All of this worry over my health and this was happening at the age of 27 no less! 27 - When the body is at its absolute peak performance and I was inventing magical ways to convince myself I suddenly had HIV.

I remember, any kind of sexual experience (of course it was protected) I had during the height of my hypochondria was followed by days if not weeks of worry about how I must have contracted a sexually transmitted disease in some freakish, accidental way.

I would lose sleep over the worry until I finally cracked and visited a doctor about my concerns.

Really, I'm not being honest enough here. I had my doctor on speed dial.

Every dry patch of skin was suspect. Each time my eyes would become red or irritated, I swore my eyes must be deteriorating. Any new freckle was inspected for days under magnified mirrors. Heaven forbid I had a cold that lasted longer than a few days - it had to be pneumonia...duh!

Does any of this sound familiar?

The definition of hypochondria is "an excessive preoccupation with one's health". That definition always strikes me as a little humorous. Really, it just doesn't depict the severity of this problem.

Hypochondria can really impair your day to day living because it completely immerses your brain with worry. You have no real scientific data backing your medical concerns but suddenly YOU know more than any doctor out there.

You MUST be dying right? I mean, you just FEEL IT right? You just know and you can't get rid of this feeling like SOMETHING has got to be wrong with you. Why can't you shake this worry away once and for all? Ughhhh!!!

Having Hypochondria is like carrying around your worry everywhere you go. It weighs you down and steals your attention. You can't focus because you're so consumed with whatever life-threatening disease is around the corner.

It becomes an obsession, a compulsion with avoiding sickness and death to the point where your lifestyle and relationships begin to suffer. It escalates from mild concern or worry to full-blown OCD.

Stop the cycle of panic right here. Take control. Put Your Worry Down!

The fact is, you're probably going to live for a VERY long time. More than likely you'll live to an average age of 80 and life will be fortunate to you every step of the way. The world is filled with billions of people and if you find any comfort in statistical data, know that the chance of you catching some obscure disease or health problem is miniscule so long as you're not putting yourself in the position in the first place.

Actually, people with high levels of anxiety are the MOST meticulous about taking care of themselves, seeing a doctor once a year and taking steps towards improving their health. Just you reading this article alone is enough to tell me that you care about your own well-being.

Here are some strategies for overcoming HypochondriaÂ…

Just Ignore It

Overthinking is one of the fastest ways to feed your hypochondriac anxieties. Always fall back to the principle that you ARE healthy. You take precautions, see a doctor once a year, try to eat healthy, exercise and that's ALL it takes to have the odds way in your favor. You know at this point you have hypochondria. Work to determine real symptoms from those which your mind creates.

Yes, if you focus on a pain in your side, your mind will invent that pain in your side. Think positively and rest assured that you're healthy. If rationalization doesn't work, toss aside all doubts and worry on the principle that they are negative thoughts. Counterbalance them with positive thoughts.

Don't Look Up Symptoms Online

I can't tell you how many hypochondriacs get themselves into trouble by trying to diagnose their own "problem". Symptoms are shared by so many colds, allergies, illnesses and diseases that you can easily sneeze and convince yourself that you have SARS after some surfing on WEBMD.

Do yourself a favor and leave the diagnosis up to a professional. If you must call a doctor because your worry is overwhelming then do so but do NOT go online searching for what you think you have. You'll always automatically target the worse case scenario.

Let me share a little personal info here. Hope it’s not too much information for you.

One time I had a slight discharge from one of my nipples. I of course went right to WEBMD and self-induced a panic attack after determining I MUST have breast cancer. BTW - it turned out to just be dry, irritated skin. My point is, you know better. Avoid the websites that will lead you to only freak out worse.

Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Cognitive Behavior Therapy or CBT is the process of forcing exposure to your anxiety trigger and then learning how to react appropriately. It's basically like facing your fear head on.

So, if you have a constant fear of germs, for example, you'd make it a point to expose yourself to minor germy situations and consciously NOT freak out. With Hypochondria, you force yourself NOT to call your doctor everyday or engage in other actions which feed the anxiety.

As uncomfortable as it may be at first, over time you'll get used to the idea of NOT overreacting with every health related blip on the radar.

Overcoming General Anxiety

The true secret to defeating your hypochondria is understanding of ALL of your anxiety triggers and knowing how to tackle each one precisely.

You can do that right now by watching the FREE Anxiety Tactics video at:

It covers topics like how to prevent and stop panic attacks, overcoming social phobias, changing your negative thoughts into positive ones, how to handle and conquer your fears, building self-esteem, dealing with depression and so much more...

It's totally FREE and gives you everything you'll need to start feeling improvement everyday.

Take positive action right now. Your Hypochondria won’t go away until you deal with the root cause of the problemÂ…general anxiety. The fact is, you're upset and you don't have to feel that way. So why spend another day feeling the drain of hypochondria?

Check out the video here ----->

Start feeling better in minutes.

You can find additional info at the following links:
Click Here for more information
Click Here for more information

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