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Sunday, 31 March 2013

Anxiety Relief Starts with this Belief

If you have anxiety, congratulations – identifying the condition of anxiety for what it is may be the most difficult step in moving beyond it. The next step is to determine why anxiety has arisen in your life, and then implement a strategy to reverse the trend.

In most cases, the cause of anxiety will lie in your thought processes, meaning the way you mentally perceive your world and what you expect from it. An anxious mind is often dominated by fear based thinking and negative expectations. Aside from anxiety, are you also a worrier? A nervous Nelly? Do you experience stress often? If so, don’t be surprised. Anxiety, worry, stress and nervousness are all kind of the same thing – fear based expectations about future events or the immediate environment. Now some worrying is okay, as it is worry that can motivate us to take action to improve our lives. And it’s nervousness that helps keep us alert and on guard in truly dangerous situations. However, problems arise if we develop a mental habit of worrying about trivial matters, or if normal everyday situations like socializing cause us to become nervous. Theoretically, everything we do in every moment of our lives has the potential for creating worry, nervousness, or various anxiety symptoms. There’s always the possibility that something might not go the way we want it to. If we let the perpetual flow of negative possibilities dominate our thinking, then sooner or later anxiety will arise. Eventually, even when involved in relaxing activities, the overload of negative thoughts, worries, and fears continuing to linger in our subconscious mind creates a constant anxiety or stress sensation. You can learn more about the long-term symptoms of anxiety, including panic attacks, agoraphobia, depression and derealization, at

However, while understanding the origin of your anxiety symptoms may be comforting, you’ll probably be more interested in treating the anxiety and getting on with your life. Of course, the logical solution would be to start thinking thoughts that are more positive. However, if you’ve tried this over simplified and outdated advice before, you’ve probably discovered that it’s nearly impossible to think positive thoughts all day long, when the little voice in your head constantly argues back - and intensifies anxiety. What you really need is a replacement belief that can forever free you of that negative, fearful inner voice. You need a replacement belief from which thoughts, realistic thoughts, will be drawn – a belief that will be the basis of your new inner voice.

In order to begin reversing anxiety disorder, the belief that I suggest you start cultivating is one that says “I can handle it”. Whatever you’re worried about, whatever you’re nervous about, whatever that negative possibility is that you fear happening, realize that you could handle it if it did happen. In fact, this is the truth. You’ve probably been through quite a bit in your life already to be where you are now. For all the situations and emotional events that have come along so far, there obviously hasn’t been one yet that you couldn’t handle. You’re alive; you’re reading this article about anxiety; you have survived everything so far. And if the past is any indicator of the future, you’ll survive many more. So why surrender the beauty of your present moment to faulty thinking and anxiety? The human mind’s ability to solve problems and endure emotional adversity is enormous. And when it comes to emotional possibilities, the belief that “I can handle it” is a true one. The only reason you’re encountering excessive anxiety or nervouness is because you’ve started to falsely believe otherwise. Try cultivating a real feeling in your heart that “I can handle whatever happens”. Start seeing your world, your future, and your every moment in the light of this new perception, and in the presence of this one true belief, your worry thoughts will lose their power and you will overcome anxiety.
You can find additional info at the following links:
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Saturday, 30 March 2013

Chemical Manifestations of an Anxiety Induced Panic Attack

This is the other piece of the puzzle to understand the causes of anxiety and panic attacks. Chemical effect and nervousness...

When your body thinks you entered into a situation that can cause you harm, it reacts. It reacts by sending a signal to the nervous system getting it ready for action to protect itself from the danger and also to calm you down after everything returns to normal. So, to make it simple, there are two sections of the nervous system coming into play.

Why is this important?

It is important for you to have a basic understanding of how the nervous system works to help you understand the causes of the build up of anxiety, which in turn, causes a panic attack. For the sake of simplicity, we will call these sections Sympathetic and Parasympathetic.

When either of these sections is activated, it floods the entire body with sensations. It is a full-fledged flooding of sensations - "all or nothing" so to speak. This is why a person experiencing an anxiety induced panic attack feels many different sensations, or better called "symptoms". Symptoms could be a number sensations...

  • Sweating

  • Chest pains

  • Breathing difficulties

  • Shaking

  • Dizziness

  • Fear of dying

  • Nausea

When you enter into a situation that is potentially harmful, the "Sympathetic" section jumps into action by releasing adrenaline throughout the body. This adrenaline is responsible for all the funny sensations you are about to feel which will induce anxiety. When a panic attack begins, the adrenaline rush does not turn off as easily as it is turned on. This explains the seemingly increased or continued anxiety. Better put, it is one for the main factors of a panic attack.

After some time, the Parasympathetic section comes to the rescue. This section returns the body to normal once the potentially harmful situation is gone. This will eventually happen on its own. The body cannot take a repeated bombardment of anxiety as it reaches a point where it simply kicks in. This is one of the built-in protection systems in our bodies to keep us alive.

So you see, contrary to public belief, the causes of a panic attack, the symptoms of a panic attack, and the anxiety that goes with it cannot do you any physical harm. There has never been a reported incident of someone dying due to a panic attack.

Although many feel it is not possible to control the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic sections in the nervous system, it is proven you can control what you think is a potential harmful situation. Thus controlling the anxiety. Once you learn to control the anxiety, you are on the path to eliminating panic attacks.

When practicing the proper techniques, it is a very real possibility that you can eliminate panic attacks induced by anxiety.

If you would like to learn more about anxiety, the symptoms, the causes and the techniques to eliminate panic attacks, Go Here

To read more articles on Panic Attacks by this author, Go Here

Anxiety and Panic Attacks - Most Asked Questions

Research has found that in the USA alone over 20 million people suffer the debilitating effects of anxiety and panic attacks. Many of these people are sadly phobbed off with that old cliche 'it's all in your mind' when they broach the subject with friends and colleagues.

Let's have a look at the most commonly asked questions concerning anxiety and panic attacks. Reading through these will help you to sort the fact from the fiction if you suffer from anxiety or panic attacks yourself, or you know someone who does.

Does the medical profession fully recognise how serious anxiety and panic attacks can be?

Generally, yes. There will always be differences of opinion amongst medical professionals, but anxiety attacks are now classified as mental disorders and doctors do recognise how debilitating and life-affecting these can be for sufferers.

What causes anxiety and panic attacks?

The two major causes are fear and stress. It is generally accepted that our lives are becoming more and more stressful. Home environment and the pressures of the workplace are two of the major anxiety and panic inducers that most of us are subject to in our daily lives. How your mind handles this stress will determine whether you suffer from anxiety and panic attacks.

Is there a cure for anxiety and panic attacks?

It is certainly true that you can change the way you react to the stressful situations you are subject to. Changing the way you react to stress is the key to controlling your anxiety and panic attacks. Re-programming your mind to deal with stress in a different way is how you learn to deal with anxiety and panic.

What is the main symptom most anxiety sufferers experience?

A tightness in the chest and associated breathing difficulty is a general symptom experienced by large numbers of panic attack sufferers. The key to getting through it is to take back control. The feeling of not being in control is the catalyst that leads to an ever-downward spiral into anxiety and panic. How do you take back control? Begin by getting your breathing under control. Take deep breaths, breathe deeply in, hold it for a few seconds and then breathe slowly out. Repeat this for about five minutes. Doing this gently and slowly will slow your heart rate down which in turn will lead to your feeling calmer.

What can you do to find a solution longterm?

Longterm, if you genuinely want to find a solution to your anxiety, you need to work out what your major fears are and learn to face them. When you successfully do this these fears will cease to have the kind of hold over you that they currently do. This in turn will ensure that when once-fearful situations arise in the future you will no longer experience the feelings of anxiety and panic that you once did.

Let's face it, all of us face stress daily as we live our lives. You're never going to get rid of that. The good news is that you can learn to cope with stress by changing the way you react to it and when you do this successfully you'll find your anxiety and panic attacks gradually become a thing of the past.

You can find additional info at the following links:
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Friday, 29 March 2013

Healthy Weight Loss Diet Plans � What Are The Key Ingredients?

Healthy weight loss diet plans have a different focus than many of the commercial programs. Too many of the commercial programs compete to show who can have customers losing the most weight in the fastest time. Healthy weight loss diet plans only aim to give participants a better quality of life.

These plans focus on turning you on to a healthy lifestyle. The goal is to teach you this new lifestyle beginning with the moment you start the diet. And you never really go off the diet; you will only adjust it to your new weight. You learn a new diet – or healthy way of eating – for life!

One example of a "new" way of eating is a weight pyramid. At the base of the pyramid are the foods that you can eat without restriction. These include all kinds of fruits and vegetables. There is such a variety of these foods that you should never want for a new choice.

Next up on the weight pyramid are the carbohydrates and grains. Healthy weight loss diet plans will not leave these foods out. In fact, some good plans will allow 4-8 servings per day. An important detail is that the majority of these food choices are whole grains. Oh, the exact number of servings depends on your current weight, height, and fitness level.

Healthy weight loss diet plans also include at least 3 and up to 7 servings of protein and dairy. These include lean meats, chicken, and fish. Cold water fish is the best because it is full of Omega-3 oils which are healthy fats for your body.

Even fats and sweets should be accounted for. You might have a diet that allows you 3-5 servings of fat and 75 calories of sweets. Why? Because your body needs a small amount of fats. You won't stay on your diet for life if you know you can never eat sweets again.

A good plan will also offer sample menus. These give you an idea of what is meant by the requirements of the plan. They make it clear how to put together a meal out of the many choices available.

You'll do better with healthy weight loss diet plans if you learn about correct portions. Check to make certain whatever plan you choose is clear on portion sizes. For example, a medium apple might be the size of a tennis ball. A 3-ounce piece of meat might be the size of a deck of cards.

What's more, some plans even give instructions on how to figure servings on food you buy pre-packaged. Do you go by what the package says is a serving? Or do you go by a certain number of calories or carbohydrate grams? Healthy diet plans will tell you.

There's no quick fix for losing weight. You can't simply sit on the sofa and drop the weight you’ve been carrying. It takes effort to change behaviors you’ve spent a lifetime cultivating. However, healthy weight loss diet plans give you the tools and they make being in shape a life-long habit.

You can find additional info at the following links:
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Dustin Hines

What I Did To Easily Eliminate My Panic Attacks

My first encounter with a panic attack came at the age of twenty-nine. From what I've learned from reading and by talking to other panic attack sufferers, this was later than usual. Most panic sufferers that I've spoken with or read about had their first ... Read >

Managing Stress In Very Practical Ways

Stress is a person's physical and mental response to environmental pressure. The body has a built in physical reaction to stressful events. When a person encounters pressure, challenge or danger, he needs to respond quickly and the body elicits hormones s... Read >

The Basics of Taking Sleeping Pills

Sleep deprivation affects millions of people around the world. Long-term lack of sleep can lead to very serious health problems. A 2000 study conducted by the University of California in San Diego showed that the activities of the brain's prefrontal corte... Read >

Emotional Despair and its Effects on Your Body

"Message in a Bottle" is a 1979 hit song by Sting and The Police. The song was composed by Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner (a.k.a. "Sting") and was The Police's first number one hit in the United Kingdom. The song is about a castaway that is stranded on an i... Read >

When is Someone Too Old to Start Pointe Work?

The "How Old Is Too Old?" question comes up often in forums and discussion groups centred on pointe training and it is an issue that not many teachers/therapists/authors address. Technically, there is less risk to adult feet when beginning en pointe as th... Read >

Options for Relieving Pain for Cancer Patients

Cancer cases have been on the rise over the last few years, no doubt, due to the high stress, environmental toxins, and unhealthy lifestyle and eating behavior of people living in the 21st century. Cancer is an illness that is medically defined as a state... Read >

Appendicitis and the Difficulties in Diagnosing It

Appendicitis has been labeled as a very difficult to diagnose internal disorder. The symptoms of appendicitis are often vague and unspecific, thus rendering the process of diagnosis very difficult. Appendicitis rarely generates outwardly visible clinical ... Read >

Poison and Cure: Deathstalker Venom

For centuries, the desert-dwelling arachnids known as scorpions have been seen as creatures of dark repute. Their form is alien-looking to most humans, giving an air of otherworldliness. The secretive nature of the species has kept most humans from observ... Read >

Gall Bladder Disease: Causes and Types

The gall bladder is a small organ that is situated in the vicinity of the liver. The liver produces bile, a substance that has a very important role in the digestion of fat. The gall bladder stores the bile produced by the liver and expels it inside the s... Read >

Pain Tolerance and Suffering from Arthritis

Pain is something that everyone needs to deal with since it is a fact of life. But for many people, pain takes on a very dramatic meaning, especially when the pain comes from a condition called arthritis. This condition affects the entire body and inf... Read >

Is it Possible to Inherit a Phobia?

Phobias are extreme fears in specific situations lacking real danger or fears which are completely out of proportion. Most of the time, the person with the phobia realizes that its fear is irrational and illogical, but he still keeps feeling the pain and ... Read >
You can find additional info at the following links:
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Thursday, 28 March 2013

How to Stop Being a Hypochondriac

You're about to learn how to finally overcome your Hypochondria and free yourself from all the pointless worry of convincing yourself that you're sick, ill or even dying.

I know the pain of this problem. I went through it myself for most of my life. Here I'll be showing you how to naturally and effectively overcome your Hypochondria and put this terrible worry to rest. Let's get to it!

Hypochondria tend to be somewhat of an afterthought when it comes to treating anxiety. After all, aren't we supposed to worry about our health? Isn't it good to stay on top of our bodies and be alert for any alarming "symptoms"?

If you suffer from Hypochondria, then you probably know otherwise. Personally, I used to TORTURE myself with thoughts of illness at even the slightest abnormality.

Every time my glands swelled up, I swore it was a tumor in my lymph nodes. Every time I had a sharp pain, I was convinced it was an early sign of stroke or aneurism. Each gas pain obviously signaled the start of a heart attack. Any kind of experience with night sweats convinced me that I somehow contracted HIV.

All of this worry over my health and this was happening at the age of 27 no less! 27 - When the body is at its absolute peak performance and I was inventing magical ways to convince myself I suddenly had HIV.

I remember, any kind of sexual experience (of course it was protected) I had during the height of my hypochondria was followed by days if not weeks of worry about how I must have contracted a sexually transmitted disease in some freakish, accidental way.

I would lose sleep over the worry until I finally cracked and visited a doctor about my concerns.

Really, I'm not being honest enough here. I had my doctor on speed dial.

Every dry patch of skin was suspect. Each time my eyes would become red or irritated, I swore my eyes must be deteriorating. Any new freckle was inspected for days under magnified mirrors. Heaven forbid I had a cold that lasted longer than a few days - it had to be pneumonia...duh!

Does any of this sound familiar?

The definition of hypochondria is "an excessive preoccupation with one's health". That definition always strikes me as a little humorous. Really, it just doesn't depict the severity of this problem.

Hypochondria can really impair your day to day living because it completely immerses your brain with worry. You have no real scientific data backing your medical concerns but suddenly YOU know more than any doctor out there.

You MUST be dying right? I mean, you just FEEL IT right? You just know and you can't get rid of this feeling like SOMETHING has got to be wrong with you. Why can't you shake this worry away once and for all? Ughhhh!!!

Having Hypochondria is like carrying around your worry everywhere you go. It weighs you down and steals your attention. You can't focus because you're so consumed with whatever life-threatening disease is around the corner.

It becomes an obsession, a compulsion with avoiding sickness and death to the point where your lifestyle and relationships begin to suffer. It escalates from mild concern or worry to full-blown OCD.

Stop the cycle of panic right here. Take control. Put Your Worry Down!

The fact is, you're probably going to live for a VERY long time. More than likely you'll live to an average age of 80 and life will be fortunate to you every step of the way. The world is filled with billions of people and if you find any comfort in statistical data, know that the chance of you catching some obscure disease or health problem is miniscule so long as you're not putting yourself in the position in the first place.

Actually, people with high levels of anxiety are the MOST meticulous about taking care of themselves, seeing a doctor once a year and taking steps towards improving their health. Just you reading this article alone is enough to tell me that you care about your own well-being.

Here are some strategies for overcoming HypochondriaÂ…

Just Ignore It

Overthinking is one of the fastest ways to feed your hypochondriac anxieties. Always fall back to the principle that you ARE healthy. You take precautions, see a doctor once a year, try to eat healthy, exercise and that's ALL it takes to have the odds way in your favor. You know at this point you have hypochondria. Work to determine real symptoms from those which your mind creates.

Yes, if you focus on a pain in your side, your mind will invent that pain in your side. Think positively and rest assured that you're healthy. If rationalization doesn't work, toss aside all doubts and worry on the principle that they are negative thoughts. Counterbalance them with positive thoughts.

Don't Look Up Symptoms Online

I can't tell you how many hypochondriacs get themselves into trouble by trying to diagnose their own "problem". Symptoms are shared by so many colds, allergies, illnesses and diseases that you can easily sneeze and convince yourself that you have SARS after some surfing on WEBMD.

Do yourself a favor and leave the diagnosis up to a professional. If you must call a doctor because your worry is overwhelming then do so but do NOT go online searching for what you think you have. You'll always automatically target the worse case scenario.

Let me share a little personal info here. Hope it’s not too much information for you.

One time I had a slight discharge from one of my nipples. I of course went right to WEBMD and self-induced a panic attack after determining I MUST have breast cancer. BTW - it turned out to just be dry, irritated skin. My point is, you know better. Avoid the websites that will lead you to only freak out worse.

Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Cognitive Behavior Therapy or CBT is the process of forcing exposure to your anxiety trigger and then learning how to react appropriately. It's basically like facing your fear head on.

So, if you have a constant fear of germs, for example, you'd make it a point to expose yourself to minor germy situations and consciously NOT freak out. With Hypochondria, you force yourself NOT to call your doctor everyday or engage in other actions which feed the anxiety.

As uncomfortable as it may be at first, over time you'll get used to the idea of NOT overreacting with every health related blip on the radar.

Overcoming General Anxiety

The true secret to defeating your hypochondria is understanding of ALL of your anxiety triggers and knowing how to tackle each one precisely.

You can do that right now by watching the FREE Anxiety Tactics video at:

It covers topics like how to prevent and stop panic attacks, overcoming social phobias, changing your negative thoughts into positive ones, how to handle and conquer your fears, building self-esteem, dealing with depression and so much more...

It's totally FREE and gives you everything you'll need to start feeling improvement everyday.

Take positive action right now. Your Hypochondria won’t go away until you deal with the root cause of the problemÂ…general anxiety. The fact is, you're upset and you don't have to feel that way. So why spend another day feeling the drain of hypochondria?

Check out the video here ----->

Start feeling better in minutes.

You can find additional info at the following links:
Click Here for more information
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Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Beat Bad Circulation

Are you one of the millions of people in the world suffering from bad blood circulation? With out even knowing it, you might be! You might not necessarily have a lot of symptoms if you are suffering with bad circulation (Peripheral Vascular Disease or PVD.) but you should be aware that it can be treated.

It can also be a signal your body is sending, letting you know something more serious is going on. Like clogged arteries or blood clots. For me the symptoms started very slowly and were minor. I just took it as part of my body falling asleep or that I had slept wrong on my arms or my legs. You don’t have to be old to have bad circulation. For me it started in my teens. I was what most people considered over active in sports. Practicing soccer, handball and speed skating about 6 hours a day 7 days a week put a great strain on my body.

After getting injured I was forced to quit all sports which did not go over to well with my body. Veins blew out all over my legs and I noticed that my feet kept going numb quite often. I figured they just went to “sleep” because I was not used to being still so much. Over the years the numbness spread from my feet up my legs. Still I kept ignoring it. Four children later the numbness had spread to my hands and I could no longer ignore it. This was when my husband came across a book online called “Beat Bad Circulation.” After him being on me for a long time to read the book I had to. Believe it or not it has helped me a lot.

This book explains bad circulation and things that can help you beat bad circulation. My hands no longer go numb and my legs and feet are better than they have been in years.

“Beat Bad Circulation” might not be the solution for everybody but if you are suffering from bad blood circulation it is worth reading and it just might help you to. Like I said the name of the book is “Beat Bad Circulation.” Maybe its all you need to get that blood flowing again and feel well again.

Please go to or visit Theses sites are members of the network.

Here are a few statistics on bad circulation:

• The body of an adult contains over 60,000 miles of blood vessels!

• An adult's heart pumps nearly 4000 gallons of blood each day!

• Your heart beats some 30 million times a year!

• The average three-year-old has two pints of blood in their body; the average adult at least five times more!
You can find additional info at the following links:
Click Here for more information
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Pain in the butt. How to deal with hemorrhoids?

This is very sensitive area of your body. Too private. Nobody likes when something is wrong over there. However it happens.

Hemorrhoids occur practically in everyone. Though hemorrhoids cause problems in 1 out of 25 people. Mostly those are people between 45 and 65 years of age.

You find a blood on toilet tissue. Bright red blood. Ok, now what? You do not know why you bleed. It could be rectal cancer by the way. It could be hemorrhoids.

So? What are the hemorrhoids?

They look like cushions. They contain blood vessels, some muscle and elastic fibers. People often call them piles.

Not everything over there is a hemorrhoid. There could be other problems. Fissure, abscess, fistula, pruritus (itching), condylomata (sort of hanging skin caused by viral infection), viral and bacterial skin infections can happen in that, so sensitive area.

It is worth to talk to your doctor.

How would a scenario of hemorrhoids look?

A 46-year-old female presents with complaints on rectal discomfort, occasional bright red blood on toilet tissue and prolapsing tissue in of anal area. This is probably internal hemorrhoid.

Another scenario brings a patient who complains on severe rectal pain and prolapsed tissue.

The severe pain happens in external hemorrhoids. The pain follows thrombosis (thrombosis is the blood clot in your blood vessels).

There are four degrees of internal hemorrhoids.

It may be interesting for you to know because first, second and sometime third degree can be treated by banding only. Fourth degree and sometime third degree requires surgery.

Do not forget non-hemorrhoid causes of symptoms.

To check with your doctor is worthwhile because there could be other problems, including cancer or anal fissure. (By the way for anal fissure medical treatment alone may heal it in 90% of cases).

How are hemorrhoids treated?

Well first you need to understand how do hemorrhoids happen. Several reasons lead to hemorrhoids:
  • Constipation and extra straining
  • Chronic Diarrhea and loose stools
  • Long sitting or standing
  • Weight lifting
  • Obesity
  • Pregnancy and childbirth
  • Inherited tendency to hemorrhoids.

So, avoid all this and you are free.

Obviously this list of reasons is too wide.

The list of measures is wide too.

Increase the fiber in your diet.

Eat more cereals, fruits, vegetables, grains, etc

Psyllium and methylcellulose are supplemental types of fiber.

Exercise, avoid long standing or sitting, don't strain, keep the anal area clean.

Increase liquids in your diet.

Use stool softeners, stool-bulking agents (not a tasty ones, but what can you do).

Treat diarrhea with anti-motility drugs and fiber.

Not every of these methods are proved scientifically. Nonetheless they are included in the standard recommendations for hemorrhoids treatment.

To treat itching or discomfort you may use suppositories, ointments, creams, and gels. You may find that all in your local pharmacy.

These products contain protectant and anesthetics (pain relievers). Local anesthetics numb the area and decrease burning and itching.

Remember that local anesthetics may cause allergy.

Analgesics (menthol, camphor) relieve pain and itching as well

Vasoconstrictors reduce swelling in the perianal area. Though they may have side effects. Better discuss with your doctor.

Protectants (kaolin, cocoa butter, lanolin, mineral oil, starch, zinc oxide or calamine, glycerin, etc) create a physical barrier to prevent contact of stool and the skin. This reduces irritation, itching, and burning.

Similarly, some agents - astringents - dry the skin. That helps to relieve burning, itching, and pain as well.

To kill or at least suppress bacteria and other organisms use antiseptics. Boric acid, phenol, resorcinol and many others can be used. Again better to discuss with your doctor or at least pharmacist. Many of these drugs are sold over-the-counter.

Corticosteroids. Corticosteroids decrease inflammation and relieve itching, but may cause skin damage. They should be used for few days only.

Sitz bath may also help in relieving the symptoms.

When those methods fail your doctor may perform one of the following:

Sclerotherapy (causes scarring of the hemorrhoid).

Rubber band ligation. The rubber band cut off blood supply and hemorrhoid heals with scarring.

Side effects of any of the treatment may be infection of fat and other tissues surrounding the anal canal, especially if patient has diabetes cancer, AIDS.

Another option - electrotherapy and infrared photocoagulation. Works the same way, cause scarring of the tissue.

Cryotherapy uses cold to cause inflammation and scarring. Practically the same, though more time consuming.

Let say your medical treatment fails. What do you do then?

Well, you go to surgeon and treat it surgically.

Operations are done in less than 10% of patients. Though it depends.

Surgical procedures include

Dilation. It is when surgeon stretches your anal sphincter.

Ligation. Often a Doppler probe helps to measures blood flow and finds the individual artery.

The doctor ties off the artery.

Sphincterotomy. It is when sphincter is partially cut. Whole idea is to reduce the pressure.

Hemorrhoidectomy. Hemorrhoidectomy makes sense for patients with third- or fourth-degree hemorrhoids. The hemorrhoids are cut out.

Stapled hemorrhoidectomy. Stapler cuts off the ring of expanded hemorrhoidal tissue.

There are different considerations why to do this and not that type of treatment. And vice versa.

There are complications (pain, difficulty urinating, bleeding several days after surgery, scarring, infection, stool incontinence). Complications happen relatively rare, but they are still there.

Better talk to you surgeon.

I hope you be OK.

You were not alone.

It looks like Napoleon Bonaparte, Carter, Hemingway, Tennyson, Lewis Carroll also were suffering from hemorrhoids.
You can find additional info at the following links:
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Tuesday, 26 March 2013

How to Recognize and Overcome the �Don�t Fears�

When we hear the word “conditioning,” many of us are reminded of Pavlov and his work with dogs. Over 100 years ago, Ivan Pavlov published his efforts on what he termed “conditioned reflex.” Through conditioning of repeated external actions, he was able to get a dog to drool without feeding the dog.

Pavlov demonstrated that external responses can condition animals and this is true of human beings. Think back to your earliest school days when you sat in your classrooms. You learned that sitting up front near the teacher’s desk resulted in you receiving more attention (external action). Students in the back of the room appeared not to be called upon as much and were not under the “eye” of the teacher. Within a few years, you were conditioned that sitting in the front was not as desirable as sitting in the back. This “classical conditioning” stayed with you even as an adult. Have you ever attended a conference, seminar or large meeting where very few adults sat in the front and the majority of adults sat between the middle and back of the room?

Another prime example of early conditioning centers around the parent/child relationship. Since parents are concerned about their children’s health and welfare, the word “No” is quite prevalent in the early childhood years. We all have heard some, if not all, of the following expressions: “Don’t write on the walls,” “Don’t run into the street,” “Don’t speak to strangers” and “Don’t go to where you are not wanted or ask.” As we become a little older, we are conditioned to receive a consequence for our failure to obey the “Don’ts”. Many of us can remember that consequence as “Wait until your father gets home.” This early conditioning turns us from “Don’t” children into “Can’t adults.”

Again as adults, we carry this negative conditioning into our daily lives. For example, what is the number one fear for over 50% of all salespeople including budding entrepreneurs and small business owners? Cold calling or talking to strangers. Picking up the phone and dialing a complete stranger activates two of our earliest childhood “Don’ts.” Don’t talk to strangers and Don’t go where you are not wanted.

Another example of conditioning is taking tests. During the last 5 years, I have surveyed hundreds of adults where 80% or more believe that they are poor test takers. This belief started in school where they probably didn’t do well on tests (external) action. As the years progress, this external stimulus created stress and anxiety. Mention the word test and some adults respond physically through increased heart beats to perspiration. Until the adults recognize that part of the reason, not necessarily all of the reason, for poor testing resides in their belief through conditioning that they are poor test takers, they will continue to be poor test takers.

For me, conditioning is very apparent specific to “medical shots.” As a child, I was very sickly and had monthly, if not weekly, shots from our doctor who had that time made house calls. I remember one Christmas Eve that my mother and the doctor chased me around the house to give me another shot. To this day, fifty years later, I have a very difficult time around taking shots. Overcoming those early years of conditioning, is still a challenge. However, I recognize the reason for this fear and, thank heavens, no longer have to be chased around the room.

The examples of conditioning are too many for just one article. However, understanding that conditioning still continues in our lives is the first step to overcome what I call the “Don’t Fears of Misery and Scarcity” By looking as to why we fear something, we may discover that the fear was created years ago from our early childhood experiences. Now as adults, we can then take the appropriate actions to overcome those “Don’t Fears of Misery and Scarcity” and embrace “Joy and Abundance.”

One of the best actions is to change those conditioned behaviors is to adopt the following belief: I will receive what I believe. By believing that I will receive the joy and abundance, I will receive what I believe. Today, I use this positive self-talk statement or affirmation to continue to overcome the affects of childhood conditioning and thereby improving my performance. You, too, can defeat your own “Don’t Fears” and create a life filled with joy and abundance. The choice is yours.
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Monday, 25 March 2013

Aerophagia, Its Symptoms And Treatment

Aerophagia is defined as a condition when a person swallows too much air. This air is usually goes to the stomach. People with Aerophagia are believed to have excessive belches due to air swallowing. You probably also heard terms like constant or chronic belching or burping. These conditions are closely related to aerophagia but not necessarily caused by it.

Since excessive burping (or some called it chronic belching) happened to me a lot of times I always was curious why the heck it happens. Recently I was reading through some forums and wanted to share ideas on belching causes with my readers:

- You're to anxious/nervous. Yeah - sounds quite usual. But it is the most common reason why it happens. If you burp all the time - try to watch after yourself for 20 minutes and make sure that you're not swallowing air. If this was the reason for burping in 3-5 minutes you should get rid of it completely. Though note that some people swallow air unconsciously even without thinking about it - so it maybe quite hard to stop doing it. Consider looking to these lifestyle guidelines to reduce symptoms.

- Consumption of milk and milk products. Large percentage of adults have lactose intolerance. So try to stop milk consumption for sometime and result may surprise you. For lactose intolerant people milk could cause lots of gas bloating and frequent belching.

- Carbs. Lots of carb containing products could cause belching. It doesn't mean that you have to cut on carbs. All you have to do is try to find which carb products cause symptoms you experiencing. Try to isolate them one by one by having meals where you consuming only one specific carb product and checking whether it increases your symptoms or not. Use food acidity list to determine which foods can cause heartburn and burping. Also take a look at database of user opinions about different foods. You may find something helpful for yourself there. Or you can just share your opinion to help other people.

- Carbonated drinks. Very natural cause of burping and belching. It is fine for most people to drink it but for people with chronic belching and burping it may make sense to cut on those for a while until symptoms disappear.

- Aerophagia. You just swallow air too much - could be related to anxiety. Try to control it. I know - it is easy to say - hard to play.

Aerophagia Treatment

Treatment of aerophagia is quite tricky and lots of different methods were attempted before. Here is a short list of them: differential reinforcement of alternative behavior, differential reinforcement of other behavior, reprimands, response cost, time-out, positive-practice overcorrection, squirts of food extract or lemon juice into the mouth, visual screening, auditory cuing, and gentle nose presses. You can search internet for them to get an idea on how they work.

I think the most effective method is self control. Just try to control your air swallowing for 10 minutes. Every time you're trying to swallow do something. In one paper it was recommended to guide your hand over your mouth to following each attempt to engage in air swallowing. Though you can invent something more effective.

Changing what you eat can help. Try to build a list of foods which make your burping worse and avoid food from this list as much as possible. Use acidity list and Food Database for help.

Hiatal Hernia maybe a cause of your condition. Read an article about Hiatal Hernia to see if it is something you might have.

Also try to control the way you speak. I noticed that during speaking (especially if it is anxious speaking) you tend to swallow more air. So try to do something every time you're about to swallow air - make a pause, change your sitting position, etc.

Video Source: Youtube

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Announcing a Breathtaking 21st Century Medical Breakthrough

I hope this doesn't sound too grandiose but you are about to read about the most successful health innovation in the last 100 years. As you read this article you may think of ways it can be of benefit for yourself.

Do you believe in miracles?

What if I told you there was a stunning new therapy that involves you simply tapping Chinese pressure points on your upper body and it can help with all of the following and a lot more besides:

weight loss, stopping smoking, depression, fears and phobias, anorexia, bulimia, self image, obsessive compulsion disorders, ADD, ADHD, asthma, shingles, panic attacks, dyslexia, emotional pain, physical pain, trauma, addictions, allergies, arthritis, high blood pressure, anger, PTSD, carpel tunnel syndrome, sexual dysfunction, diabetes, cancer, sports performance and jealousy.

What if I also told you this therapy often works where all else has failed and often works on things conventional medicine struggles with? Naturally you may think I had gone mad.

Well there is an exciting new breakthrough that is causing quite a buzz in the medical world. This therapy is known as Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT. EFT has its basis in Chinese acupuncture and psychology. Instead of using needles you simply tap on certain pressure points on your upper body while you think about (tune into) your problem.

The world-renowned Gary Craig developed this Emotional Freedom Technique in the USA in the mid 1990s. Gary has a life long fascination with alternative therapies and it was his curiosity that steered him to this amazing and exciting creation. Gary studied a scientific discipline called Thought Field Therapy with a psychologist named Dr Roger Callahan. Once Gary fully understood Thought Field Therapy he could see that by combining Thought Field Therapy alongside other alternative therapeutic skills he could take matters to a higher level. Gary found that by balancing the body's energy system it will allow it to eliminate most negative emotions within minutes and promote the body's own healing ability. He also learnt that by getting rid of our negative emotions we can promote natural healing and we can cure illness. Gary and other specialists such as myself have witnessed amazing and outstanding results in all aspects of medical areas.

EFT is rightly being hailed as a 21st medical miracle and is being used more and more by the medical profession. Due to the incredible high rate of success EFT has spread rapidly throughout the world. It is now even been used in some specialist areas of the National Health Service in the United Kingdom. EFT works on just about every emotional and physical issue you can name. Unlike other therapies with EFT you often see results in minutes. Emotional Freedom Technique stands alone as a cutting edge therapy. It can dramatically improve your health and the quality of your life.

We often overlook our emotional health and concentrate on the physical side. It was ascertained that the underlying cause of an illness could be negative emotion. The disruption to the body's energy system can indeed create medical, physical and psychological ill health. Emotional freedom technique gets rid of negative emotions and restores your bodies’ natural energy system quickly and painlessly. EFT works well with any emotional disturbances such as phobias, panic attacks, depression, as well as with many physical and medical problems. Emotional freedom techniques works by clearing emotional blockages from your body's bio energy system. Good emotional health is absolutely essential to your physical well-being and healing - no matter how dedicated you are to keeping fit or eating a proper diet.

EFT is easy to do, it involves no medication or equipment and it works on babies to adults. It often works where all else has failed and where conventional medicine is unable to help. It does not work by a placebo effect and will work on the hardest of sceptics.

Emotional Freedom Technique will give you relief from any old or new problems that you may experience. Most people often feel energised after a session. After using EFT you become relaxed, reinvigorated and you sleep better. Using EFT you can become truly stress, worry, illness & pain free!

One of the other amazing things about EFT is that sessions can be done over the telephone or Internet using things like Skype, MSN messenger, Yahoo messenger and ICQ. That means it is perfect for people with mobility difficulties or agoraphobia. It also means you do not have to travel to your therapist or pay parking costs.

Copyright 2006 Wayne Ennis
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Sunday, 24 March 2013

The Range of Treatments For Crohn's Disease

The primary goal for Crohn’s Disease treatment is to control inflammation in the digestive system. Because most of the symptoms are a result of the swelling, most of the negative effects of the disease will cease when inflammation is reduced. Treatment may include medication therapy, or in extreme cases, surgery.

Medication to treat Crohn’s disease falls into one of four categories: anti-inflammatory drugs, immune system suppressors, antibiotics, and symptom relief drugs.

Anti-inflammatory medications, such as Sulfasalazine, Mesalamine, and Corticosteroids, are usually the first step in treating Crohn’s Disease. Sulfasalazine is very effective; however, it has severe side effects, such as nausea, vomiting, and headaches. Mesalamine, on the other hand, has fewer side effects but has been used for considerably less time. Corticosteroids are a common treatment for a myriad of disorders. However, they are less effective in Crohn’s Disease and have serious side effects.

Because Crohn’s Disease is caused by an exaggerated response of your immune system, immune suppressors are often an effective form of treatment. Azathioprine and mercaptopurine are the most common forms used to treat IBD. Unfortunately, many of these medications cause very negative side effects, such as liver damage, high blood pressure, cancer and increased risk of infection.

Antibiotics are typically used to reduce infection and to heal fistulas and abscesses. These, too, have potential side effects; however, in the case of infection, treatment is necessary to avoid progression.

Symptom relief medications are often necessary as the effects of Crohn’s Disease are so severe. Anti-diarrheals, laxatives, pain relievers, iron supplements, and nutritional supplements may make Crohn’s more bearable for sufferers. Due to excessive diarrhea, medication is often necessary to avoid dehydration and to improve the quality of life in general. On the other hand, inflammation may cause constipation also; so laxatives may be used to promote bowel movements. Abdominal pain is a common complaint among those with IBD; however, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen and aspirin, should not be used to treat Crohn’s. Nutritional and iron supplements may be used to replenish lacking vitamins and minerals to your system.

Surgery is sometimes required in severe cases of Crohn’s. It may be necessary to remove diseased portions of your digestive tract, or simply to close fistulas and drain abscesses. However, surgery is usually only used as a last resort after other treatment methods have been ineffective.

Crohn’s Disease can not be cured; however, with many of these treatment methods, relief may be available from the disease.
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Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia

Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia

Panic disorder is at its most severe when it becomes panic disorder with agoraphobia. Panic disorder with agoraphobia happens in about 30percent of all cases and causes the victim to avoid 'unprotected space'. Victims think about any area where a panic attack could happen to be 'unprotected'.

Agoraphobia sets in when the panic attack sufferer is not willing to risk having an attack in a public space. Agoraphobic people live in very little worlds that consist only of places they consider safe.

Agoraphobics are so dominated by fear that they become ready to do fewer and fewer things. Symptoms of agoraphobia come with:

• Frequent panic attacks with severe anxiety in between.

• Avoiding attacks by staying home all the time.

• Depending too heavily on others.

• Extreme fear of solitude.

• Worrying about an escape route at all times.

• Fear you'll lose control in a public place.

• Isolated plus detached feelings.

• Persistent feelings of helplessness.

• A persistent feeling of unreality.

• Feeling your body is somehow unreal.

• Twitching, trembling, or emotional outbursts.

Agoraphobics have symptoms which are periodically disrupted by panic attacks. Agoraphobic panic attacks are the most severe kind. Panic attacks are mostly confused with heart attacks, especially for agoraphobics. The following symptoms signal the start of a panic attack:

• Breathing trouble.

• Feeling woozy or dizzy.

• Feelings of lightheadedness or fainting.

• Numbness and tingling sensations.

• Blushing uncontrollably.

• Chest tightness.

• Thinking you are dying.

• Fears of being mentally ill.

• Rapid pulse.

• Temporary increase in blood pressure.

Panic disorder with agoraphobia should not be ignored. Agoraphobics typically have been dealing with panic for years.

The negative effects of panic disorder with agoraphobia include social isolation, unemployment, plus damaged personal relations. Despite the severe symptoms, treatment for panic disorder with agoraphobia has a very high rate of success.

Early diagnosis makes every one the difference. Early treatment creates the fastest cure. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) combined with systematic desensitization is the most effective and most often used treatment. Drugs are also sometimes used.

CBT is a technique for changing how an agoraphobic thinks about fear and the world. Systematic desensitization works by exposing the agoraphobic to very little stressors.

Simply imagining leaving the house may be the first step. When that can be done without panic, the next step might be to imagine opening the door. By the end of the treatment, the agoraphobic may step outside. A full recovery is a completely reasonable expectation.

Antidepressant medications may be prescribed to relieve the most intense symptoms. Drugs can improve the effectiveness of therapy. Drug therapy is sometimes gradually discontinued after treatment is successful Drug therapy can also continue for life to prevent relapse.

Treating panic disorder early can stop agoraphobia. The cause of panic disorder with agoraphobia is unknown. Anxiety disorders make up the most common form of mental illness in the United States. Anxiety disorders are accountable for 30% of all the money spent on mental illnesses.

Just a reminder - check this Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia program out: Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia

Julia Hanson website:

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Saturday, 23 March 2013

How to Identify Anxiety Panic Attack Symptoms

You really have no clue when a panic attack may hit. The symptoms in panic attacks vary from one person to another, but they are very easy to be identified. If you have experienced panic attacks you must know how terrifying anxiety panic attacks are!

This article has one single purpose: To educate anxiety and panic disorder patients and their families to make the difference between a panic attack and a heart attack. The symptoms are very similar, however they are totally different issues. -- Therefore there's nothing really to be frightened of.

Here's A Typical Panic Attack and Its symptoms:

You suddenly feel your heart beat racing not really knowing or realizing what's happening you in that very moment. Instantly you start shaking and desperately gasping open for air while sweat might blur your vision. Nausea, hot flashes and dizziness follows whilst terrifying and fearful thoughts are spinning in your head. You have headaches and you aren't capable to help yourself in any way. Your condition is getting worse.. It's a panic attack!

Suddenly, you have a feeling of unreal, the world around you is different, everything seems strange, you're still shaking and thinking of death. You're maybe trying to calm down but you can't and that is the moment your fear gets worse. Ok.. I've tried my best to relate a typical panic attack, at least this is how I felt a while back when suffering from general anxiety disorder and panic. The symptoms of panic attacks may differ from one to another, it depends on several factors as well as the panic attack's intensity. Sometimes it may hit harder than others, however panic and anxiety can be treated!

Can you stand having another panic attack with similar symptoms?

There's one thing to remember and keep in mind (Speaking of my experience of well over half a decade suffering from panic): Anxiety Panic Attacks may only scare you, shock you, terrify you.. but they will never mean any harm!

Panic disorder is currently affecting millions of people in the US alone. (a more accurate number given by the US National Institute of Mental Health (Nimh) last year was showing that 17 million people suffer from anxiety in the US).

Some tips to reduce the symptoms in panic attacks

You can have them any time or when you are exposed to certain situations that will trigger panic. Always avoid stressful situations, crowded places, accept your condition and try to find the root cause of your anxiety. These are the first steps to your recovery.

Several online anxiety programs are available to aid you in your way to complete recovery. You have the chance to treat yourself from the comfort of your home and Live Free from Panic!

If you're serious to treat your anxiety and panic attacks naturally and permanently then Anxiety Cure is the place to visit.
Read our reviews of the top anxiety guides available on the market today:


The Linden Method

The Linden Method Chronic anxiety and debilitating panic attacks plagued Charles Linden for over twenty years. Panic and anxiety fully dominated Charles Linden's life. Linden tried every typical treatment however nothing brought relief. Linden's marria... Read >

Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia

Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia Panic disorder is at its most severe when it becomes panic disorder with agoraphobia. Panic disorder with agoraphobia happens in about 30percent of all cases and causes the victim to avoid 'unprotected space'. Victims th... Read >

Panic Attack Self Help

Panic Attack Self Help Panic attacks can be managed at home by anyone willing to learn self-help techniques. Self-help techniques are both inexpensive and simple to learn. You can download effective self-help programs instantly online. If you don't wi... Read >

How To Overcome Shyness

How To Overcome Shyness Many people struggle with shyness, even extroverts. Almost everyone has struggled with shyness at some point. Responding to shyness effectively is more important than figuring out what causes shyness. Shyness is made from thr... Read >

How to Overcome Jealousy

How to Overcome Jealousy Deciding whether or not your fear is realistic is the next step once you admit you have got a problem. If you've got a bad relationship, you have got to make some decisions. Not everyone dislikes a partner who likes to flir... Read >

Fear Of Vomiting

Fear Of Vomiting Emetophobia is the persistent and extreme fear of throwing up in public. Emetophobic folks experience intense fear that persists even when vomiting is very unlikely. Emetophobics could never vomit in public yet continue to fear the pos... Read >
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Friday, 22 March 2013

Metformin - What every diabetic should know

One of the drugs commonly used in the medical treatment of Diabetes is Metformin. I am writing this article as I wanted to help diabetics better understand this medicine.

Metformin can be used alone or in combination with other medicines to treat Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. It is not used to treat type 1 diabetes.

First of all what does this medicine do in the human body. Metformin helps to control the amount of glucose (sugar) in your blood. It does this in three main ways:

1.It decreases the amount of glucose you absorb from the food you eat and

2.It decreases the amount of glucose made by your liver.

3.Metformin also helps your body to respond better to insulin natural or injected.

Only your doctor can tell you how much Metformin and how many times a day you need to take. Do not take more or less of it than what your doctor has prescribed. Metformin controls diabetes but does not cure it. Continue to take metformin even if you feel well. Do not stop taking metformin without talking to your doctor.

Not everyone who takes metformin is a Type 2 diabetic. Metformin may be prescribed for other uses; ask your doctor for more information regarding this.

Once you start eating metformin you cannot start eating whatever food you like and stop doing any exercise. Diabetes treatment can only work when the person who has diabetes eats the medicines on time and also eats the correct amount of the correct food at the correct time and exercises at least 30 min a day 5-7 days a week.

In case you forget to take a dose take the missed dose as soon as you remember it. However, if it is almost time for the next dose, skip the missed dose and continue your regular dosing schedule. Do not take a double dose to make up for a missed one.

Metformin may rarely cause a serious, life-threatening condition called lactic acidosis.

Drinking alcohol increases your risk of developing lactic acidosis or may cause a decrease in blood sugar. Ask your doctor how much alcohol is safe to drink while you are taking metformin.

Side effects from metformin include a change in taste, loss of appetite, nausea or vomiting, abdominal bloating or gas, diarrhea, or skin rash. These may occur during the first few weeks of taking the medication but are seldom long-lasting. Taking the medication with food and starting out with a low dose help reduce side effects. The dosage can be gradually increased as side effects diminish.

Metformin may rarely cause low blood sugar levels or hypoglycemia.

Your doctor will tell you what you should do if you develop hypoglycemia. He or she may tell you to check your blood sugar, eat or drink a food or beverage that contains sugar, such as hard candy or fruit juice, or get medical care. Follow these directions carefully.

The following are symptoms of hypoglycemia:


•dizziness or lightheadedness


•nervousness or irritability

•sudden changes in behavior or mood


•numbness or tingling around the mouth


•pale skin


•clumsy or jerky movements

If hypoglycemia is not treated, severe symptoms may develop. Be sure that your family, friends, and other people who spend time with you know that if you have any of the following symptoms, they should get medical treatment for you immediately:



•loss of consciousness

Therefore who should not use metformin? In a nut shell, it should not be used by those who use more than two ounces or two drinks of alcohol everyday day, who have congestive heart failure, or who have significant kidney, liver, or lung disease.

The advantages of metformin are that it has a much short action time and has a much lower risk for severe side effects and is quite safe for use by anyone who is otherwise healthy. In fact, in the major UKPDS study, it was the only drug that reduced diabetes-related death rates, heart attacks, and strokes.

Metformin lowers fasting blood glucose levels by an average of 25%, postprandial blood glucose up to 44.5%, and the HbA1c by an average of 1.5%. Metformin reduces raised plasma insulin levels in cases of metabolic syndrome by as much as 30% and reduces the need for injected insulin in Type 2s by 15 to 32%.

Metformin possesses some distinct advantages in treating diabetes. Excess glucose produced by the liver is the major source of high blood sugars in Type 2 diabetes and is typically the reason for high blood sugars on waking in the morning. Metformin reduces this overproduction of glucose. It helps in lowering the blood sugar, especially after eating, with no risk of hypoglycemia when used alone. Modest improvements in cholesterol levels are also seen. The 10 year UKPDS Study of over 3,000 people with Type 2 diabetes found that those who were placed on metformin had a 36% decrease in overall mortality and a 39% decrease in heart attacks.

Because metformin shuts off the liver's excess production of glucose, it reduces the amount of injected insulin needed to control the blood sugar in both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. People with Type 2 diabetes who are on insulin usually are advised to lower their insulin doses prior to starting metformin. The full improvement in glycemic control and cholesterol levels may not be seen until 4 to 6 weeks of use have passed.

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Thursday, 21 March 2013

Top 10 Benefits of a Positive Attitude

What are the benefits of a positive attitude? When you develop a positive attitude, you have a certain power in your life - the power to find happiness.

Although it can take some time to eliminate negative thinking and to develop a positive attitude, you'll find that there are many benefits to having a positive attitude. Here's a look at just a few of the benefits you can enjoy when you cultivate a positive attitude in your life.

Benefit #1 - Motivation - When you have a positive attitude, you'll benefit from motivation. That motivation will help you accomplish things and reach the goals that you have in life.

Benefit #2 - Problems Disappear - The problems in your life suddenly turn into opportunities. These opportunities allow you the ability to grow and learn – simply because you have an attitude that is positive.

Benefit #3 - Better Self Esteem - You'll also find that you will enjoy better self esteem as well. You'll begin believing in yourself and you'll realize that you are capable of doing great things.

Benefit #4 - Stress Elimination - When you develop a positive attitude, stress elimination is a huge benefit. Since you think in a more positive way, you'll eliminate the stress from your life that comes from thinking negative thoughts (because negative thoughts actually have a negative physical affect on your body.)

Benefit #5 - Great Health - Since you have eliminated all that stress from your life, another benefit of a positive attitude is great health. Stress can cause many health problems, and when you lower stress levels, you'll find that you are much healthier. You'll also find that by maintaining positive attitude, you will change your cellular chemistry to become “addicted” to happiness, which makes your body release more “positive” chemicals, making it easier and easier to stay positive.

Benefit #6 - Creative Thinking - Another benefit of having a positive attitude is that you will begin getting involved in creative thinking. Since you no longer view things as problems, you'll find creative solutions to the obstacles that come up in life.

Benefit #7 - More Friends - People don't enjoy hanging out with people who are always negative. When you become more positive and your attitude reflects this, you'll find that more people will want to be around you simply because of your positive attitude.

Benefit #8 - Energy - You'll quickly find that your positive attitude benefits you by giving your more energy. Why? Because positive thoughts have a higher “happier” vibration - which creates more energy. And, the more energy you have, the more you'll be able to accomplish as well.

Benefit #9 - Achieving Success - With a great attitude, you'll find that achieving success is much easier than before and it becomes exciting and fun too.

Benefit #10 - Respect and Influence - A positive attitude is going to benefit you by bringing you more respect from others, as well as having more influence over other people. In fact, you may even find that people around you start developing a positive attitude since a good attitude is something that is contagious.

These are just a few of the benefits that you can enjoy when you have a positive attitude. You can start enjoying these benefits too. Simply start working to turn your attitude into a positive one moment by moment!
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Road accidents claiming normality for families

The impact of a road accident can be huge. Road accidents claim not only lives and health through whiplash injuries, spinal injuries, and host of other serious personal injuries, but also have a significant and sometimes devastating impact on the lives of those closely involved.

That road accidents claim happiness and cause wider distress and psychological trauma is clearly evident in the number of charities set up with the aim of supporting the friends and families of road accident victims. Brake, SCARD and RoadPeace are just three of a number of national charities devoted to helping people for who road accidents claim a large amount of happiness and normality from their daily lives.

The impact fatal road accidents claim on families
In a fatal road accident the consequences are obviously far-reaching. There is grief and bereavement, and a real sense of bewilderment and despair at the senselessness and randomness of a road accident.

Less commonly reported is the fact that road accidents claim family members' confidence to go out onto the road. The fear can be truly paralysing, as one woman widowed by a car accident so movingly puts it, "Since Brian died I don't go out in the car if I can avoid it. On the rare occasion that I do, I sometimes panic and have to pull over and collect myself.

"It makes life really difficult. I don't even visit my son anymore because of the fear. He suffered a whiplash injury coming to see me once, so I worry for his safety as well. I worry so much that I even tell him not to come and see me."

Road accidents claim other aspects of emotional health too. Sadness and anger are both common responses to the grief of a car accident. Brake advise the bereaved to contact professional help from GPs and Psychotherapists as these are often symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Often grief from a fatal road accident claim cognitive ability too. It is not unusual for a bereaved person to find they have difficulty in speaking, remembering and even formulating their own thoughts.

The impact serious but non-fatal road accidents claim on families
Serious personal injuries such as whiplash can effect the very fabric of a family unit. Suddenly partners and even children can find themselves placed in the position of carers. Many families find it necessary to make a road accident claim for compensation because they find themselves deprived of an income and facing hefty medical bills.

One 18-year-old boy from Scotland spoke with frankness and honesty about his experience of his father's personal injuries after a serious car accident, saying, "I was doing my A-levels when dad suffered the spinal injury. Things went downhill as he couldn't work and needed care 24-7. But we needed mum's income, so I had to miss a lot of school. It really affected my study.

"We eventually contacted a personal injury solicitor on Dad's behalf. He was too depressed to do it himself. It was such a relief to us all when the no win, no fee road accident claim came good. Even dad was celebrating. Now he's getting his life back on track."

Just as a fatal road accident claims the confidence of the deceased person's family so too does an accident involving serious personal injury. The worries inherent in this situation are well illustrated by a father from Birmingham, "After June suffered the injuries I just didn't want to go out in the car. I mean, what would happen if I got injured in a car accident too? Who would look after the kids?"

The impact road accidents claim on witnesses
Witnessing a car accident can be a horrifying and helpless experience. The sight of colliding crumpling vehicles can be impressed on the memory forever.

Being called as a witness in a road accident claim or whiplash injury compensation claim can compound the traumatic experience, though some do report finding it a cathartic experience.

Just as for family members of people who've been involved in car accidents, often road accidents claim witnesses' driving confidence.
Simon Jacobs, Car Accident Advice Line helps people to claim compensation after they have been injured in a car accident that was not their fault. You can call us now on 0808 143 43 42

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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder OCD - 7 Types of Symptoms. Nip the Problem at the Bud!

Fear, mannerisms and diligence can be observed as early signs of OCD or obsessive compulsive disorder. In fact, there is only a thin line that separates both. The strength, intensity and frequency tend to enhance at a slow pace. This is the reason that people do not identify the symptoms and when they actually do, it is already too late.

It is important for people to understand the difference between OCPD and OCD as it rules out advance OCD symptoms awareness completely. People with OCPD or obsessive compulsive personality disorder remains unaffected about their reactions and behaviors.

People suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder remain unaffected by their actions and also intensity of what they are doing. They tend to show secondary avoidance behaviors or even make habitual actions they think would facilitate them avoid the OCD source.

There are different types of situations and symptoms faced by people with OCD:

a) Food and weight: In most cases, you display the symptoms where they are worried about their weight gains instead of losing. This drives people crazy towards eating less. You want to know the exact calorie amount as well as cholesterol content of each dish prior to eating. You may be fit and slim but consider themselves fat and ungainly. This makes people suffer from a lot of eating disorders like bulimia and anorexia nervosa.

b) Sexual matters: People with these symptoms are not at all comfortable about their sexuality. A lot of psychological reasons tend to be behind this. However, the discomfort they face makes them show the symptoms whenever faced by situation that appears sexual in their minds. They may fear having immoral sexual intent even when there is no desire to do so.

c) Order and symmetry: You have an obsessive desire to live in surroundings that are extremely neat and hygienic. You take extra care about your appearances. You want to appear and fee clean 24x7 and are also impeccable when it comes to aligning objects. You want to spend many hours to keep things in well ordered manner.

d) Habits: It is natural for an individual to develop symptoms of OCD or specific actions or habits without any reason. Once this happens, they feel obsessed about repeating a task and even tend to repeat questions or count money many times prior to handing it over.

e) Preserving things: You are obsessed about saving things for future and fear any things, even a chocolate wrapper fearing it could be useful in the future.

f) Dirt and contamination: You become obsessed at avoiding being contaminated or dirty. You also tend to wash their hands frequently. You even avoid urinating or removing bodily wastes ads they find these activities disgusting and dirty.

g) Religion and morality: You are over enthusiastic when it comes to living as per your religious values. You set your own opinions and stick to them.

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Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Ways To Beat Panic Attacks

Panic attacks very often accompany a person's exposure to the thing they most fear. The simple sight of a spider can send an arachnophobe into a full blown panic attack. Understanding what is happening can help you better cope with your body's response to that spider.

Anyone who has had a panic attack can tell you it is no fun - at all! It can be very, very scary for the sufferer and even make them think they are dying.

When overcome with anxiety, the body will react by doing a semi-shutdown. Breathing becomes very rapid and shallow. Eventually you will not be able to catch your breath and will be gasping for air.

The world will take on a different view and you will almost feel disconnected from it. This can be accompanied by dizziness and even fainting.

Your heart will beat very fast and you will feel pressure in the chest area. Many people who have panic attacks think they're actually having a heart attack. You may also feel very warm and sweaty and you will probably shake noticeably. It's very difficult to think straight during a panic attack, so it's very important to identify that you may be going into panic mode and start procedures toward combating the fear that began the attack in the first place.

First, keep in mind that your life IS NOT in danger. As we have already noted, during a panic attack, the sufferer is often convinced that s/he is having a heart attack or a stroke, and is dying. This is not the case. The symptoms of heart attacks and strokes are quite different from those of extreme fear.

A panic attack is not a sign that you are going crazy. It is true that you are in the grip of something and therefore 'out of control' of yourself, but the symptoms and feelings are very different from those of any mental illness.

They are exactly the same as those of a person in extreme physical danger. They occur in response to a signal you are misinterpreting. The fear is maintained by what you think about your feelings in response to it. The fear is real. It is not an illusion or a hallucination. You are not crazy.

A panic attack is not a sign of weakness. Anyone can have them, in the right (well, wrong) circumstances. With phobics, they are brought on by specific situations. With some people, they can be brought on for no rational reason and in no specific situation.

Remember that you can control it. Just knowing the facts can help a person get rid of panic attacks, even if they have been a problem for many years. When you feel the next panic attack coming on, say to yourself:

"This will be uncomfortable, but it cannot kill me. It's not a sign that I'm going crazy. If I can stop being scared, it will never come back. Anyone can have a panic attack."

Also try "stopping statements" such as

"STOP! These thoughts are not good for me. They are not healthy or helpful thoughts, and I have decided to move in a better direction and learn to think differently."

By doing this, you are reminding and reinforcing your brain each and every time you make this rational and realistic statement. There are some other positive self-affirming statements you can use to try and combat your panic attacks.

Visit the Phobia List website to learn about commitment phobia and list of phobias.

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The Exact Reason Why Cardio is Essential: Avoiding The Starvation Response

Cardio, Calories, and the Starvation Response

Most of the time, when someone decides that they want to lose fat, they inevitably head for the nearest fad diet. However, 95% (closer to 100%) of the time, these fad diets fail. The reason they fail is because exercise is rarely incorporated into the program. In order to lose fat, there must be a deficit of calories in the diet. In other words, your body must use more calories than you eat in order to use its fat stores for energy. This seems simple enough; however, it becomes a bit more complicated. There are two ways a calorie deficit can be accomplished. The first one is to eat fewer calories. The second one is to use more calories (exercise). The best way to accomplish fat loss without hitting a plateau and failing is a combination of both. You must eat less calories and burn more calories. If you try to accomplish a calorie deficit only by eating less calories, then you're body thinks it's starving, and will go into a "starvation mode" where it lowers its metabolism in order to prepare for a period of little food (this is more than likely a protective response from years ago when food actually did become scarce, unlike today). Another reason that the metabolism is lowered is because when there is a period of little food, your body tries its best to protect the brain. The brain always requires glucose (carbohydrates that are in the body) to run; however, glucose can not be stored in the body. Therefore, the only way for the body to get glucose is to eat its own muscle (muscle can be converted to glucose) - which lowers your metabolism and causes the starvation response. So, the body accomplishes two things by eating its own muscle: it provides glucose for the brain and causes your body to require less food, since less muscle equals a lower metabolism. When the starvation response is elicited, you smack into the fat loss plateau and the fad diet fails.

When you incorporate exercise into your routine, your body feels more comfortable with not lowering your metabolism. If you are exercising frequently, then your body thinks, "I'm actually doing something, so there is probably an abundance of food now, and I shouldn't worry too much." Therefore, the starvation response is mostly avoided. Two important forms of exercise to produce this affect are weight training and aerobic exercise (cardio). However, this article is mostly about cardio.

The goal of cardio is to burn calories while avoiding the starvation response. Many times when you mention "exercise" or "cardio", people immediately get negative thoughts in their head about the extreme difficulty of doing such exercise, but these thoughts are misguided. Cardio gets easier as your body adapts, is very rewarding, and can even be fun.

How Cardio Becomes Easier While Still Burning the Same Amount of Calories

As you do cardio more and more, you body begins to adapt and become better at performing the same work, but with less perceived effort. The body becomes able to move nutrients and oxygen around faster because you build new capillaries, the cells produce more mitochondria (the powerhouse of the cell), your heart becomes more powerful, your body produces more blood, and a host of other adaptations that would cover a whole textbook. The main thing to note here is that you still burn the same amount of calories, even after your body adapts and cardio becomes easier. However, with your new, more adapted body, you will be able to accomplish exercise that burns even more calories resulting in even more fat loss. For instance, in order to burn 300 calories, you would have to walk for about 1 hour and 45 minutes. In contrast, jogging for about 25-30 minutes (the amount of time will vary depending upon your speed) will burn 300 calories. Obviously, the last one is more practical unless you just have a huge amount of time on your hands. Walking also doesn't elicit the endorphin high that running/jogging does either (discussed later).

The Overload Principle

When you begin a cardio program, your first goal should probably be to adapt to the point where you can burn a sufficient amount of calories. This involves the overload principle. The overload principle is simple: in order to initiate adaptations within your body you must exercise with either a greater intensity, duration, or frequency. Depending upon the type you decide to overload (intensity, duration, or frequency), you will adapt to that type. For instance, if you want to run faster in the same amount of distance, you should run faster, and your body will adapt to that. If you want to run farther, you should run farther, and your body will adapt to that. There is a high degree of specificy that goals along with this principle, but that is the topic for another article. Pretty much, the overload principle reveals that doing the same routine every time without trying to push yourself harder will result in no adaptations. For instance, if you do the same aerobics tape everyday, then your body will never adapt any further - since there is no need for it to. However, if you were to get a more advanced tape and do it, this would initiate an adaptation in your body, but then you would have to find an even harder tape to initiate any further adaptations. Keep in mind though, if you decide to stay at the same level of fitness and do the same routine, then you will still burn the same amount of calories, and if your goal is just fat loss this may be a potential option for you.

Just Get Started!

If you haven’t done any cardio for a while, you should obviously start out small. Start out with just a brisk walk, then intermittent jogs while you are jogging, then finally, you will be able to jog the whole time, and then increase your times/speed to the point where you are happy. The hardest part is really just to start doing something. Once you get your momentum going by exercising for the first time, even if you have to start out small, you have already accomplished the hardest part.

Your Body's Reward to You: An Endorphin High

In addition to burning off unwanted fat, doing cardio gives you something called an "endorphin high". This all natural high induces a feeling of well-being, relaxation, improvement in mood, and increase in your ability to think more clearly. It's theorized that this is the reason why many long distance runners are "addicted" to running - they love the high they get afterwards! Once you've experienced one of these, you're even more likely to continue your regime and therefore continue to burn off fat.

Cardio in the Morning?

Although calories are the most important thing when considering fat loss; you must also realize that not all calories are created equal. When you wake up in the morning, you body is low on something called glycogen. Glycogen is essentially another word for stored carbohydrates in the body. When exercising, glycogen is a more preferred fuel source to the body in comparison to fat. Your body always uses a mixture of glycogen and fat to run, but the ratio is many times dependant upon the availability of these fuel sources. So, when your body is low on glycogen in the morning, it is forced to burn fat at a higher ratio than if you had just eaten. Therefore, doing cardio in a fasted state will burn more fat than doing it in a non-fasted state. In one study, the researchers concluded that this method can burn 17% more fat in comparison to if you had just eaten (1). Another study agrees with this by stating, "our results support the hypothesis that endurance training enhances lipid oxidation (lipid oxidation means the burning of fat) in men after a 12-h fast at low relative exercise intensities" (2). If you decide to perform cardio in the morning, remember to drink lots of water before-hand (you'll be dehydrated after waking up), and if you want the extra fat burning response, you'll have to avoid breakfast until after you're done.

Another reason to exercise in the morning is due to the fact that it will allow you to be in a better mood and to think more clearly for the rest of the day due to the endorphin high. You are also probably more likely to perform cardio in the morning in comparison to the afternoon when you could just blow it off because you are "too tired".

Make Sure You're Hydrated

Before starting on your new cardio regime, make sure you are properly hydrated. Water increases your capacity to think and exercise more efficiently. Water is required for nearly every reaction inside of your body. Most people walk around in a state of semi-dehydration. Exercising can cause you to get dizzy and pass-out (this author has experienced this), suffer a heat injury, or in severe cases, cause death. Ever had that thick, cotton-like feeling in your mouth while exercising? Cotton-mouth is an obvious sign that you are dehydrated; if you ever get cotton-mouth while performing aerobic exercise, please realize that you could be performing much better and reducing your risk of experiencing dehydration's nasty side effects if you only had drank more water beforehand. It is best to drink water throughout the day rather than only around the time you exercise.


One sure fire way to get you pumped up and associate cardio with something positive is to listen to some music before and while doing it. You'll be surprised at how much better you perform and how much more fun cardio seems.

As stated before, the hardest part about a cardio regime is starting. Remember to incorporate the overload principle when trying to cause an adaptative response, to stay hydrated, and to listen to music while performing your cardio regime. Also, you may even decide that you want to perform your cardio in the morning to feel good and be able to think more clearly for the rest of the day and to burn even more fat. Once you get passed that point and experience some of cardio's effects such as fat loss without hitting a plateau, a feeling of accomplishment, and that awesome endorphin high, you'll become addicted. However, no exercise routine is complete without the proper support from an intelligent nutritional program; for more information on this you can visit

1. Brehm, B.A., and Gutin, B. Recovery energy expenditure for steady state exercise in runners and non-exercisers. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. (1986) 18: 205.

2. Bergman, BC, Brooks, GA. Respiratory gas-exchange ratios during graded exercise in fed and fasted trained and untrained men. Journal of Applied Physiology. (1999) 86: 2.
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